

Jan 5, 2011

An update

I have been working in my facility's Art room in preparation for having a new floor put in my studio.  I am working on my second sculpted head.

  I wanted to share a story with you of artists kindness.  Since I find I enjoy sculpting I realized a sculpting stand would be easier than piling wood on the desk to elevate the piece.  Since I don't have much money I placed a "wanted" ad in Craig's list for a stand and tools for $15 and $5 respectively.  A month went by with only two smart-alec replies.  Then a lovely lady named Margo emailed to say she had what I wanted.  A friend had given them to her four years ago and she had gone other directions in art and hadn't used them.  She GAVE them to me, saying she was paying it forward.  I shall certainly do the same.

I will post new pictures of the second head soon.

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